The Voix EssentiELLES Fund

In order to strengthen the capacity of community-based women's and girls' organisations to contribute to the design of health programmes in their countries and to implement activities in the thematic areas of Voix EssentiELLES (Sexual and Reproductive Health, Gender-Based Violence (GBV), Malaria, Tuberculosis or HIV), a fund has been set up to enable the selected organisations to benefit from a grant of up to 5 million CFA francs

Purpose of the Voix EssentiELLES Fund

A dedicated Fund has been set up to support community-based and grassroots women and girls’ organizations across Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire and Senegal to address administrative, communication and logistical barriers to meaningful engagement in decision-making spaces. This fund will be used to ensure the engagement of women and girls, in all their diversity, in relevant policies and processes that impact on women and girl’s health.

The recipients of
Essential Voices

For decisions by women for women
Find out about selected community-based women's and girls' organisations active in the health and development sectors.

Astou Diop

DAKAR - Guédiawaye


Ten (10) women composed of doctors, anthropologists, social workers and community actors have created the association "ABOYA" called And Bokk Yakaar which was founded in 2001. It has its headquarters in Guédiawaye, which serves as a forum for exchange and discussion for all women infected and affected by HIV. In [...]

Ndeye Alima DIOP



In the 90's, the population of Thienaba paid a heavy price in terms of morbidity (3459 cases of malaria), high mortality, and socio-economic impact due to malaria. Among these children, a 12 year old girl named AMI DIOP who, after 2 days of suffering, finally died. AMI DIOP is the daughter of [...]

Lala Maty SOW


AND SOPPEKU Association

It was founded in 2008 and legally recognized in 2009. It is made up of 1,000 sex workers. It covers 14 regions of Senegal. We are involved in prevention, support for medical, psychosocial and nutritional care, advocacy and the promotion of human rights. Our organization also works on the distribution of [...]

Rayhana Woppa Diallo


Association pour le Maintien des Filles à l'École

Born in Galoya on April 10, 1992. Witnessing the health and education conditions and the cases of GBV in her locality, Woppa DIALLO decided to create AMFE, the association to keep girls in school, in 2008 when she was 15 years old. Woppa is a lawyer specialized in human rights and humanitarian action committed to the protection of girls' rights.

Fatimata Mamadou Lamine Sy
Executive Secretary

DAKAR - Guédiawaye

Senegalese Association for the Future of Women and Children

ASAFE was founded in 1997 and works mainly on child marriage, early pregnancy, maternal mortality and female genital mutilation. It is currently chaired by Fatimata Mamadou Lamine Sy, a lawyer by training. The association raises awareness among families living in regions where excision is still practised, in order to help them [...]

Fatou Badiane
President of the Badienou Gox in the Thiès region


Bajenu Gox

Bajenu Gox is a community-based program created by the Ministry of Health and Social Action to promote maternal, newborn and child health. It covers the entire country. As part of the implementation of the program, the "bajenu Gox" have the following missions

Aîssatou Mbaye Ndiaye
President, Comité de Suivi, de Veille et d'alerte Société Civile (CSVA)


Civil Society Monitoring, Watch and Alert Committee (CSVA)

The purpose of the Committee is to monitor Global Fund grants for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and to provide Senegal with a high-performance, proactive, visible, inclusive and credible community-based system. This system is intended to complement the public health system, thereby eliminating constraints on access to health services and [...].

Maimouna Yade


JGEN Women Global Partnership

Principal Recipient JGEN Senegal is a young women's organization that promotes the elimination of violence against women and girls and also works to promote female leadership and entrepreneurship.

Fatou Bintou Sylvie Diack


The Kolda Girls' Club

The Club des Jeunes Filles de Kolda was created in 2015 in Kolda and brings together young girls aged 12 to 24. The club fights against child marriage and early pregnancy, promotes female leadership and the empowerment of young girls and women. The club is grouped in the districts of Kolda and [...]



Youth Network for the Abolition of FGM

Established in 2015, the Youth Network is a non-profit organization that is in charge of issues related to gender-based violence specifically Female Genital Mutilation and child marriage. It was officially registered with the Ministry of Interior in 2016. It is made up of 31 umbrella organizations [...]

Adji Fatou Ndiaye


National Network of Associations Fighting Tuberculosis

RN/ASLUT is an umbrella organization for a number of associations in Senegal's 14 regions, working to raise awareness and inform communities about the need to adopt appropriate behavior to combat this scourge. Since its creation, RN/ASLUT has actively participated in all phases of the fight against tuberculosis in Senegal.

Khadidiatou Wane

Mbour health district

Soppe Sa Jabotte

Soppe Sa Jabotte is an association working for women’s empowerment and the prevention of diseases. Their approach is to train relays educated to a certain level and chosen by their peers in the community, on different topics, namely health, communication for behaviour change, [...].

Aissatou Ndiaye


Youth Women For Action

YWA's mission is to promote girls' empowerment and participation in development by strengthening their leadership and advocacy skills, while fostering their effective participation in the development and implementation of policies and programs through national, (sub)regional and governmental institutions and mechanisms.

Larissa Mabo

Abidjan and San Pedro

Cœur valide ELLES

The Cœur valides Elles association’s mission is to promote the right to diversity of sexual orientations and to raise awareness against homophobia. It carries out activities for the protection and care of lesbian women.

Kouame Akoua Pelagie
Executive Director

Abidjan (disadvantaged areas)


The organization's areas of activity are Combined STI/HIV/AIDS prevention GBV prevention Promotion of human rights and legal assistance Medical and psychosocial care Care and support Research and community survey

Irad Esther Renouel Gbazale

Abidjan, Agboville, Bangolo

Women in Action

Through the implementation of two flagship programs: Top-Filles and Agir Femmes, the Association Femme en Action contributes to the fight against violence against women by strengthening their leadership and their autonomy while implementing learning and awareness actions on sexual and reproductive health with the [...]

Josiane Adja N'koh Kouame

WLAD (Central West)


The NGO GNOUWIETA intervenes in the following areas: human rights, women's empowerment, prevention and fight against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, cervical and breast cancer, malaria and other recurrent pandemics in developing countries, care for orphans and vulnerable children, violence against women and children, and the protection of the environment.

Gnininmankiyé Ouattara
Founder and President

city of Abidjan and Ferkessedougou

Tchele Woye

Tchele Woye means "Let's rise up in the Senufo language" and works to : Helping women and girls in distress; Fighting against illiteracy; Reinforcing the schooling of young girls; Raising awareness of preventive methods against HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases; Supporting the empowerment of women through the creation of activities [...]

Anne Cécile Konan

Yamoussoukro (Centre)

National Union of Disabled Women of Côte d'Ivoire

Unafehci was created in 2006. It is an organization that mainly targets women with disabilities and intervenes in issues such as sexual and reproductive health, malaria and the empowerment of women with disabilities. UNAFEHCI is affiliated with Federation of Associations for the Social Promotion of the Disabled of Cote d'Ivoire president DOGO Raphael REPSFECOCI [...]

Madeleine Cécile Marie Joseph Boguifo
Project Manager


Y-Voir & Sourire

The NGO Y-Voir & Sourire (YVS) is focused on the reintegration of young people, from 12 to 35 years old. The overall objective of Y-Voir & Sourire is to contribute to the social reintegration of at-risk youth (drug addicts and ex-prisoners) in order to develop the human, relational, creative and professional potential of young people at risk.

Gloria Nadine KAMBOU



The association's mission is to work in close collaboration with its partners to guarantee the fulfillment of marginalized groups through social promotion and the defense of their rights as women, as well as their social integration and development. Among other things, APED /SINIONTARB aims to :

Nadine Nikiema

Rural commune of Ipelcé

Association Aucune Grossesse en Milieu Scolaire

The association ''No Pregnancy in the School Environment'' abbreviated AGMS, is a female, humanitarian, apolitical, non-denominational and non-profit association. It was created in 2016 and recognized. With 40 members, the AGMS association has a vision to contribute to the development of women and girls through education and training.

Clarisse Some Ber Kouo

South West Region, Bougouriba Province, Diébougou

Betoure Women's Association

BETOURE means "without discrimination" in the Dagara language. The BETOURE association of women is in conformity with this law. It was recognized on June 17, 2020 and bears the identification number N000008521 and was registered in the Official Gazette (OJ) of Burkina Faso. The general objective of the association is to contribute to the socio-economic development of women in Burkina Faso.

Maimouna Nacro


Association of Disabled Fighting Women

The Association of Disabled Women Fighters of Burkina Faso is a group of women and girls with motor disabilities in order to establish a framework for consultation and exchange between them. Its vision is to see a society in which disabled women fully participate in the development activities of their country. She [...]

Salamatou Balora

Nahouri Province

Young Women's Association of Nahouri (AJFN)

AJFN is a leading association for the promotion of women's and children's health. Its mission is to take concrete action to improve women's and children's health. Its overall objective is to contribute to the promotion of women's and children's health [...].

Maimouna Savagado Ouedraogo


Association of widows and orphans living in Bittou 

The Association of Widows and Orphans residing in Bittou is involved in health, education and income-generating activities. The Association, which has 124 members and 600 orphans and vulnerable children, aims to ensure the development of widows and orphans. More specifically, it aims to Promote income-generating activities [...]

Sawadogo Saïbata


Association Femmes Education Solidarite Sante et Developpement

AFESSD is an organization that specializes in :

Abouma Sévérine Nebie


Association for the Economic and Social Integration of Women in Development

(lead beneficiary) IES - Femmes (Association for the Economic and Social Integration of Women in Development) is a Burkinabe community-based organization (CBO) founded by women committed to the fight against women's rights violations in the African context. Mobilized for the empowerment of women and their economic and social development in Africa, the organization has been [...]

Sakinatou Ouedraogo

Central Region -Ouagadougou

Association for the Defence of the Rights of Domestic Workers

Association for the Defense of the Rights of Domestic Helpers is a non-profit association created by domestic helpers in order to defend, promote and enhance the work of housewives. It exists in eight (08) countries of the sub region. It counts nowadays more than 1000 housewives and domestic helpers.

Fatoumata Bambara Née Darga

Centre Est, Boulgou province, city of Garango

Association for the promotion of women

The missions of the Association for the Promotion of Women GNINTAWOMA are more oriented towards: the socio-economic empowerment of women through income-generating activities; the reinforcement of the literacy of the population and the capacities of women in law and leadership; the sensitization to sexual and reproductive health; and the promotion of women's rights.

Pauline Nana

Central Region

Association Soutien aux Enfants et Femmes Vulnérables

The association support for vulnerable children and women is a non-profit association created on November 13, 2012 whose objective is to safeguard young children at risk and fight against gender-based violence. This association, which is distinguished by concrete actions in the field, sets itself [...]

Ouedraogo Aïcha


Association Tends-moi la Main

ATM aims to promote responsible behavior through actions that provide young people and women with access to health services adapted to their needs, to combat early and unwanted pregnancies, infanticide, STIs, HIV/AIDS and maternal, infant and neonatal mortality, violence against girls (FGM, [...].

Bénédicte Françoise BAILOU



The FEMIN-IN citizen movement is a legally recognised association under Burkinabe law which has been operating for three years now. We essentially implement activities for the defence and promotion of the political and sexual rights of girls and women in Burkina Faso.

Farida Sonia Tiemtore


The Heroines of Faso

The Réseau les Héroïnes du Faso is an association of young girls who work for the well-being of women. Its goal is to promote respect for women’s sexual and reproductive health rights, social engagement, education and the empowerment of women.

Fatimata Compaoré Sinare

Ziniaré Commune, Oubritenga Province, Plateau Central region


Created in 2008 and officially recognised in 2009 as the Wendyam Association of Daughter Mothers of Ziniaré, the association changed its name in 2018 to the YIIKRI Women's Association for the Empowerment of Women. The association carries out awareness-raising activities on gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health of women and girls, and the prevention of [...]

Themes of Voix EssentiELLES

Sexual and Reproductive Health

Sexual and reproductive health is a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being related to sexuality. Yet today, millions of women and girls suffer from genital mutilation, forced marriage and early pregnancy. Lack of information and access to health services prevent them from enjoying this right.

Gender-based violence

Gender-based violence (GBV), sometimes also referred to as gender-based violence, refers to violent acts directed towards an individual or group of individuals because of their gender, and is based on a power imbalance. Gender-based violence can be sexual, physical, verbal, psychological or socio-economic.

Malaria, tuberculosis or HIV

The pandemics of malaria, tuberculosis and HIV remain major challenges, particularly in developing countries. The Global Fund channels resources every year to fight these scourges through partnerships with public authorities, civil society, technical institutions and the private sector.

How can I participate in the Essential Voices initiative?

The selection phase of the first edition is currently closed. We are still looking for community-based organisations led by women and girls active in the field of health in West Africa.

Submit your profile

Chronogram of the first edition

July 1 - July 31

Applications open

Community based/grassroots women and girls’ organizations from Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire and Senegal submit their application.

31 July - 30 September 2021

Review of applications and pre-selection

November 2021 - June 2022

Implementation of activities

July 31, 2021

Applications close

1 October - 15 November 2021

Finalize action plans, sign contracts and disburse funding

July-August 2022

Program Evaluation

July 1 - July 31

Applications open

Community based/grassroots women and girls’ organizations from Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire and Senegal submit their application.

31 July - 30 September 2021

Review of applications and pre-selection

November 2021 - June 2022

Implementation of activities

July 31, 2021

Applications close

1 October - 15 November 2021

Finalize action plans, sign contracts and disburse funding

July-August 2022

Program Evaluation

For further information check out our "Frequently Asked Questions".